Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Notes From the WoodSongs Fireplace #384 & 385

Well, Judge Ray Corns performed his 100th show last night.

What a good hearted, generous-to-a-fault and sincere man he is. And a good friend. Every week before the show starts he spins his Tales From WoodSongs Holler. Me, the artists and some of the crew watch him on the TV screens backstage ... it's a site to behold and we are very fortunate to have him as part of this family. And every week, he will call me after the show and tell me how much fun it is. We should all have a heart that big.

The artists coming to WoodSongs continue to be more and more powerful in their artistic scope. Last night we had Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band. Last week, the brilliant guitarist John Jorgenson. Amazing and fun to watch. Holly Brook will have a long career and has one of the most delicate voices I've heard in a long time. Mustards Retreat was a pleasure too. I've know David for a long time and it was great to finally have him and Mike on WoodSongs.

Our TV production continues to take shape and get better. I'm still not sold on the blue lighting against the curtains, it seems to clash with the warm look of the eternal autumn theme I want for the show. But little things like this make WoodSongs get even better.

Folk On!

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